How to calculate staff ratios

In order to ensure that staff:child ratios comply with the EYFS please follow the method below:

1. List

List all the children attending the particular session.

2. Order

Arrange all the children in ascending order by birth date, that is, youngest first.

3. Group

Working through the list from first to last, group all the two year olds in sets of four. If the last set of four does not contain all two year olds fill it with the next children on the list.

For the remaining children on the list group in sets of eight, or thirteen if a level 6 is working.


Example 1

The first example is dealing with 21 children attending a particular session. The children are a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 year olds.

1. List

2. Order

3. Group

Staff 1 -

Staff 2 -

Staff 3 -

Staff 4 -

Staff 5 -

Example 2

In this example there are 23 children attending a particular session. The children are a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 year olds. One staff member is level 6.

1. List

2. Order

3. Group

Staff 1 -

Staff 2 -

Staff 3 -

Staff 4 -